
Account Dashboard Overview

Let's go over all the lovely things you can see and do in your Elite account dashboard.


If you want to make any changes to your services, account details or payment method, the account dashboard is the place to do that. You'll first arrive at the overview page, which looks like this:

On the left hand side, you'll find the primary dashboard navigation, where you can switch between the relevant sections. The overview section is where you will find details of your dedicated project manager and their contact details. You will also have the option to schedule a meeting with your project manager from here. Please note that these details will not appear until we have assigned a project manager to you.

You can also find means of contacting our management team from this section.


When you select Team from the navigation, you'll see the following:

There are 3 main areas here to explore:

  • Billing Cycle - This is where you can see your current Team plan, the billing period, any minimum charge for the plan you're on, and your usage for the current billing cycle, which is updated daily. This means you'll be able to see at a glance how much your next bill will be based on your usage so far for the current billing period. From here you can also see the details of the plan you'll be on for the next billing cycle, and can change the plan by clicking on Update Plan. Unless you make changes here, your plan will automatically continue on the same plan. 

  • Project Board - From here, you'll see the link to take you to your project board. Please note that this may not appear when you visit your account dashboard for the first time, as we will set this up manually and add the link as soon as it is ready. 

  • Usage - For all you data scientists and amateur statisticians out there, you can see your historical monthly usage from here.


If you'd like to add your own avatar (and we highly encourage this), you can do so from the account section. You can also make changes to your email address, business details, and password from here.


The two things you can do here is accessing your invoices for all work done, and update the payment method on account. When you do that, the new payment method will automatically be used for all future payments due on account.


Awesome. You should be clear on what you can do in your account dashboard and where to do it. High five.